Our Top Tips on How to Extend Laptop Battery Life

How to Extend Laptop Battery Life

It’s happened to us all. We’re in the middle of working on a project, there’s no power outlet anywhere, and the computer’s battery power indicator has gone from black to red. You know you can make it. At least you’re pretty sure. So you fly across the keyboard as fast as your fingers will let you. The finish line is right there. You just need a few more minutes–and the computer dies. A few years ago, your laptop would have been able to last, but now, your computer just cannot hold the same kind of charge.

Of course, modern laptops don’t let you simply swap out the dead battery and insert a new one. If you want a new battery, you need to take it into a repair shop and drop money on a repair you could have done not long ago. Once your battery life begins to dwindle, you can’t get that lost time back. However, it is possible to extend your laptop battery life to squeeze every second possible out of it. Here are our suggestions for how to extend laptop battery life.


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