
Disaster Data Recovery

What is Disaster Data Recovery? 

This is the term that describes how businesses recover access to their stored data after a disruption. Any type of events such as a cyberattack or ransomware, natural disasters, or something entirely new like the Covid-19 pandemic. Businesses have many options when it comes to disaster recovery plans in case their data is lost.


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server virtualization

Having a single server running within your office makes it easy to store all business-related files and make it possible for employees to access applications, files, and other important data from anywhere else in the world (just as long as the server is connected to the Internet and not on a closed network). While the individual server is a valuable tool for your business, there will be times when it’s best to have separate partitions of the server, where these partitions can run different operating systems or connect to certain programs that may not be fully compatible with the default OS of the main server.

In the past, to do this partition, you would have needed to install a completely separate server and then integrate it with your current setup. The configuration process alone often proved difficult and led to more than a few headaches. Thankfully, that is no longer an issue you need to deal with. Instead, server virtualization makes this easier than ever before. The beauty of this is you can always add new partitions to your server whenever necessary.


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cloud backup solutions

You’ve been using computers long enough to know how much of a pain it is to lose important documents. It probably started when you were in school, and the computer crashed, causing you to lose all the recent changes you made to a term paper (or maybe you lost the entire perm paper and had to start from scratch). Even if you learned your lesson and started to save documents every few minutes (or, better yet, activated auto-save features), the loss of data and inability to access important files has likely grown in magnitude.

From leaving the computer, you worked on a document at home to a system update not updating a program correctly, leaving you with a corrupt file. As long as there are computers, there will be the occasional problem with accessing vital data. At least that’s the case if you have the files stored in one location. However, if you have the files stored on the cloud, you can access the data from not only anywhere with an Internet connection but just about any approved device as well. So ditch the hassle of missing files and take advantage of cloud backup solutions.


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what is ransomware

Ransomware is the latest in a long line of internet security threats. While spyware, malware, viruses, bugs, or a dozen other forms of Internet infections have been in existence since the very day the World Wide Web went live, ransomware has grabbed the majority of headlines of late, and for a good reason. Most recently, the Colonial Pipeline, which pumps fuel throughout the United States eastern seaboard, was hit with a ransomware attack and, in the end, paid millions of dollars to have the cybercriminals remove the ransomware files from the company’s network.

However, there are smaller attacks hitting individuals and companies throughout the world daily. These kinds of threats are elevating in number. Sometimes there’s no rhyme or reason as to why a particular person or business is targeted, but you have to assume sooner or later your company will fall into the crosshair of a cyber-criminal. To defend against this, you need to know what is ransomware and how to defend yourself best.


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multi-factor authentication

There’s been considerable talk regarding business Internet security of late, and for a good reason. With the ransomware infestation of the Colonial Pipeline to hacks of major companies worldwide and even government attempts, online threats are lurking around every corner.

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